Thursday, March 25, 2010

Future "Write about whatever the hell I want to" Blogs

I have recently been lurking in the deep caverns of the Discovery Zone tubes that is the internet recently and I've noticed a fairly common blog topic that I never thought about before. Blogging about D&D, or more specifically, blogging about a tabletop campaign you happen to be running or playing, highlighting funny moments, interesting plot points and post carnage reports. What does all this mean? Well hopefully you know what a tabletop game is (also known as role playing game)... if you don't, as unreliable of a source as it is, Wikipedia is our friend: Role Playing Games.

So why is this relevant to my blog? Well I'm an enormous nerd so why wouldn't I engage in the second most nerdy thing on the planet (first place being held by larping). I am currently running a Star Wars Sagas campaign with five of my close nerdy buddies every other Friday night that sadly only has three sessions left (out of 8 or 9... can't remember). I am also a player in my friend Adam's Exalted campaign where I play a musclebound, kung-fu master/pirate with a heart of gold that stands for LOVE! and JUSTICE! Don't judge me.

Anyway, I will probably post a bit about these sessions once a week, seeing as how they are always filled with humorous happenings and interesting player/player conflict that bleeds into reality every now and then.

Hopefully you guys enjoy the little window I will give this blog into my nerdy Fridays.

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