Sunday, May 2, 2010

CD Review

I recently sat down and listened to an 80's mixed CD which turned out to be nothing like I had expected. When I think 80's music I think of songs like Safety Dance and Take On Me. For some reason I hadn't even considered it could be anything different... I was of course wrong in my assumption. The CD was a strange mix of Rock and some other genres I don't really know how to label. There were some songs I vaguely recognized, but for the most part I hadn't a clue to what or who I was listening to.

With that said the songs were hit or miss. There was some decent songs that had some catchy melodies and just downright strange lyrics, which were generally good for the most part. What annoyed me the most however were some of the vocals. A few songs on the CD featured terrible singers that sounded worse than scratching a crying baby against a chalkboard made of 10-year-old male sopranos. And what was up with that Dancing in the Lesbian Club song? For some reason those bizarre lyrics perplexed the hell out of me.

This 80's CD did more good than harm though considering I now understand that there were entire genres in the 80's I didn't even know existed... even if I don't exactly enjoy listening to said genres. Overall it was a fairly decent CD. I give it 3 Lesbian Clubs out of 5.

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