Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Grade I Deserve in Opinion Journalism

Looking back at my blogs now, it appears I am missing two (which were missed very early on) and have ended the semester with 63 blogs (combined with Online Journalism). That's a lot of blogs. There are some blogs that I enjoyed writing, which can usually be noticed by their length and those that I did not. Unfortunately many of the blogs I did not care much for happened to be those that I had to present in class, which was somewhat disappointing considering I am much more enthusiastic about the things that interest me. Despite that, I did almost all of the work and did it on time (with two or three blogs saved for the last minute) and it should go without saying that I at least deserve a B.

Do I deserve an A though? Well I'm not entirely sure if that is mathematically possible, but in the event that it is I would like appeal to the powers that be. When the semester began I didn't care at all for my blog and thought it was a silly prospect. The more I posted the more I came to enjoy writing about... well whatever was on my mind I guess. One of my random blogs was 3,000 words long! My ability to educate the class about random topics may not have been incredible by any stretch of the imagination, but when I stated my opinions about things I am passionate about I backed them up! I truly cared about what I was saying in these instances and thought whoever was reading would hopefully benefit from my insight.

So do I deserve an A in this class? I guess I'm not so sure, but I would like one. B's are good too though I suppose.

Whatever I happen to make in this class... it won't stop me from playing Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire when I get home... that game was so awesome.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

CD Review

I recently sat down and listened to an 80's mixed CD which turned out to be nothing like I had expected. When I think 80's music I think of songs like Safety Dance and Take On Me. For some reason I hadn't even considered it could be anything different... I was of course wrong in my assumption. The CD was a strange mix of Rock and some other genres I don't really know how to label. There were some songs I vaguely recognized, but for the most part I hadn't a clue to what or who I was listening to.

With that said the songs were hit or miss. There was some decent songs that had some catchy melodies and just downright strange lyrics, which were generally good for the most part. What annoyed me the most however were some of the vocals. A few songs on the CD featured terrible singers that sounded worse than scratching a crying baby against a chalkboard made of 10-year-old male sopranos. And what was up with that Dancing in the Lesbian Club song? For some reason those bizarre lyrics perplexed the hell out of me.

This 80's CD did more good than harm though considering I now understand that there were entire genres in the 80's I didn't even know existed... even if I don't exactly enjoy listening to said genres. Overall it was a fairly decent CD. I give it 3 Lesbian Clubs out of 5.

The Visit Review

A play review! I have never done one of these before... I mean I have seen many plays in my time, but I have never actually sat down and broke down a play in a review before. So what do I have to say about The Visit? Well, I liked it, so that's a good start.

The Visit is play taking place in the small German town of Guellen where a billionairess, who grew up in the town, returns from her life of adventure. Everyone's all happy and excited about her return until they realize that she wants revenge on her former lover Alfred for damning her to prostitution and exile. The horrible truth of what happened during her youth slowly comes out throwing blame all around, and ultimately driving Alfred mad when he suspects everyone is out to kill him. Without giving anything else away I pretty much summed up the whole play in one paragraph... and that's the problem. The play takes far too long to explain what little is really going on in the plot. A two hour play would have been sufficient, but I am pretty sure it was closer to three hours if not longer.

Another thing that bothered me was the lack of accents on part of the actors. Don't get me wrong, the acting was actually pretty good, but the only person who even attempted it was the Mayor. I was also confused by (SPOILER) Alfred's death scene. It looked like the towns peole collectively curb-stomped him... which would have been a horrible way to die. Other than those complaints however, I really didn't have any problems with the play. The acting was solid and the set and costumes looked legitimate. It was just an hour too long.

I give it 4 blind-witnesses out of 5.

Why Should I Be Hired?

Why should I be hired you ask? Well, as far as I can tell I have unique tastes and interests and usually hold strong opinions for those various topics. I generally don't fall behind on my work and, when possible, try to go bound what is expected. I like to think I can give useful advice and insight on those topics that I am proficient in while adding humor and wit whenever appropriate. Ideas are my specialty and generating and refining them comes naturally to me whether on a daily basis.

I know a lot about comic books and video games and I love kittens... honestly that's all I can think of. Oh yeah, once I put my mind to something its hard to pull myself away from it whether its reading something, being hard at work or playing a video game. That should be a positive quality.