Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Winter Olympics: Not Fun for Everyone

So I believe it is safe to assume that everyone at this point has heard about the luge accident in which Nodar Kumaritashvili made an error that cost him his life. Now I really have nothing against dangerous sports. If you have gone through the proper training to do it "safely" and your crazy enough to show the world your stuff, then by all means do so. What bothers me however, is when those running the events lack the necessary forethought.

A metal pole literally inches from the track is was ultimately cost him his life. A METAL pole. You would think that while sliding down at 90 mph you would hope there wouldn't be any giant metal things inches from your face. After his death they padded up the poles to prevent similar injuries and death, but isn't it a bit too late.
Now I am not placing blame on any one party. Its a dangerous sport and Nodar knew this... but safety proofing the polls should have been so obvious. So what is the moral of the story? Don't be an idiot. When putting your life on the line for entertainment and thrill make sure you have taken every safety precaution available. That goes for those idiots that like to ride motorcycles without helmets too.


  1. Especially motorcyclists who like to eat ice cream, too...

  2. I heard the other athletes are now worried that things were built too quickly and are afraid of other things happening.

  3. A little padding wouldn't have made much difference. Hitting a metal pole at 90mph headfirst and hitting a padded metal pole at the same speed wouldn't have made much difference in this case.
